
Monday, September 21, 2015

September OwlCrate Box! See What's Inside!

Hello, Minions! My September OwCrate box arrived! They definitely went above and beyond this month. SO much cool stuff inside. This months's theme was LEADING LADIES. I did guess the book this time, and I actually do own it (I got an ARC a few months ago), but that's ok. I plan on using it in a giveaway soon. Want to see what was inside the box?

WHOA! That's a lot of stuff! Let's take a closer look:

The book: Dumplin' by Julie Murphy. It came with a cool sticker and a note from Julie Murphy. Like I said, I got an ARC a while ago, but I am going to include a giveaway with my review as soon as I read it. I absolutely loved Julie's first book, Side Effects May Vary, so maybe I'll include that with it.

As for the swag inside the box, well, there was a lot of it. I got a Dauntless tote bag (it's pretty big!), a gorgeous Hunger Games inspired arrow necklace, a Daenerys Targaryen POP keychain, two Hermione prints and a Divergent bookmark.

Look at this beautiful necklace! I LOVE IT! It'll look great worn along with my time turner.

 A monthly subscription to OwlCrate is $29.99 a month plus shipping. They've already announced the theme for next month's box . . . SPOOKY. Hmm . . . I wonder what book will be? I just have to avoid buying any books with that possible theme until next month. I figure that even if for some reason the book they pick is one I already own (bought or received as an ARC), I can just do a giveaway for it and keep the other bookish goodies.

If you're interested, check out OwlCrate at . If you get on the waiting list for the September Box, they'll send you an email letting you know when they're available for sale.  When you get that email, ACT FAST! They sell out quickly! You can also follow them on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

I REALLY love OwlCrate!

<3 Michelle


  1. GASP. That necklace is BEAUTIFUL! I assume you'll be wearing it at the midnight release! :)

  2. I always look forward to seeing what you receive in your Owlcrate Box!! The necklace looks lovely!! I want one too now... I love jewelry!! Have fun wearing your new necklace and happy reading!!

  3. This is so cool! I have a really hard time with subscription boxes, just based on personal experience. I'm not willing to commit $30 to this, but I'll definitely continue to live vicariously through you! Glad you loved it!!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  4. Want a great crate this month! I get so jealous! I like the look of Dumplin' so I've now added it to wishlist but will need to wait for the more affordable paperback version!

  5. I thought that was a Dauntless tshirt hahaha. I love it though! I adore arrows so that necklace is stunning. Also super jealous of that POP key chain because when I've looked at getting one they're super expensive to get to New Zealand haha. Love seeing what you get every month :)
