
Monday, September 21, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books In My Fall TBR (To Be Read) Pile

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's Top Ten Topic is "Ten Books In My Fall TBR". Well, I plan it out in hopes of reading the books for each of these seasonal tbr lists, but it rarely works out the way I plan. I'm really hoping to stick as closely to this list as possible because I REALLY want to read all of these books. I get easily distracted by other books, though. I'll give it a try!

My Fall TBR
(click covers for Goodreads links)

Castle of Sighs (Forest of Whispers #2) by Jennifer Murgia

Until Beth by Lisa Amowitz

Dumplin' by Julie Murphy

The Dead House by Dawn Kurgtagich

Nightfall by Jake Halpern & Peter Kujawinski

Dreamland by Robert L. Anderson

Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson

I Crawl Through It by A.S. King

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Soundless by Richelle Mead

Of course, there are a TON more I want to read, but these are my top priorities.

What are you reading this Fall?

<3 Michelle


  1. I really want to read The Dead House and I Crawl Through It too!! Soundless looks cool too... I might wait on that one because there's so much hype. Great list!! Have a fab fall!!

  2. We have at least two of the smae books on our lists. Now the hard part...actually reading them all...and I added more than ten to my list. What was I thinking?


  3. I've definitely added Dumplin' to my TBR. I am so intrigued! I hope that you get around to these books this fall, Michelle!

  4. I have not heard of many of the books on your list this week, so I have many new book titles to explore!!

    I see quite a few new to me book titles for me to explore!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for the week:

    Happy reading!!

  5. Ooh you have a great looking TBR there! The only one I've read is Six of Crows and I really loved it. Happy reading! x

  6. OOoh nice! The Dead House made my list too! Hoping to read that after my current read!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I had so much trouble cutting it down to ten! Great list!

    Here's my TTT

  8. I am looking forward to your thoughts on Dumplin and Soundless. I read Walk on Earth a Stranger a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. I hope you do as well!

  9. Oh AWESOME picks here^^ HOW could I forget Walk on Earth a Stranger?! I can't wait to crack open my copy of that one, I've heard wonderful things about it! I still haven't even read The Grisha series, can you imagine?! Despite owning a copy >.< I guess THAT should have made my list too LOL Soundless is another great pick too and Dumplin' has been getting rave reviews! I'll be looking out for your thoughts on all of these! Happy reading Michelle ♥

  10. Six of Crows is on my TBR too! I'm actually really excited to read Dumplin'. After reading/watched people talk about it, it's getting more pumped to read it.
    My TTT

  11. I just finished The Dead House and am looking forward to getting my hands on Dreamland. Great list. After I finished mine, I remembered I wanted to add The Martian. Oh well, there is no way I could make a definitive list anyway.

  12. Great list!
    It seems like everyone's reading Dumplin. Hopefully, you can get around to it soon.
    I'm excited for Six of Crows and Walk on Earth A Stranger too! They both look so amazing.
    Hopefully, we can both try to stick a little closer to our TBR's.
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

  13. Soundless is really the only one I'm thinking about reading. I'm looking forward to Unspoken by C.C. Hunter and Gabriel by Nikki Kelly.

  14. Great list! I want to read Soundless and Walk on Earth a Stranger too

  15. Soundless is one I want to read. I enjoy Richelle Mead so I have high hopes for this one. My TTT

  16. The Dead House, Nightfall, and Soundless are all on my TBR, but they didn't make my list this week. I hope you get to read all of these!! :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

  17. I understand getting easily distracted by other books! I haven't read any of these books, but I real;y want to read Six of Crows, Walk on Earth a Stranger, Dumplin', The Dead House, and Dreamland! I hope you get to read all these books!

  18. I've seen Six of Crows on lots of lists today. Hope you read them all!

  19. I forgot that I want to read Soundless. Nice list!
    Thanks for stopping by My Top 10 Tuesday

  20. Some books I'm definitely looking forward to on this list too! Hopefully you can get through them all. I typically don't do very well sticking to my lists haha. Six is an awesome effort though! I think I only did four last time. Oops.

  21. I adored Dumplin... some of your others, I need to still read. Great list though. :)

  22. I'm so looking forward to reading The Dead House even though I'm such a scaredy cat, lol. Can't wait to hear your thoughts about these books! Happy reading!

    Blessie @ Mischievous Reads

  23. Quite a few on here that I cannot wait to get to (as you know) and are already on my autumn reading pile. Also very curious about Castle of Sighs, I think I need to go and find out more about the first book in the series!

  24. You have picked some awesome books! I'm really excited for Dumplin' and Walk on Earth a Stranger, and I keep seeing so much praise for The Dead House so I think I'll have to try that one out too :)
