Newer Releases:
Dark Metropolis by Jaclyn Dolamore.
I've been salivating over this one for a while. Goodreads says: Cabaret meets Cassandra Clare-a haunting magical thriller set in a riveting 1930s-esque world. SO, a historical fantasy with zombies, magic and romance? I'm in!

The overview on the Books-A-Million (BAM) website says: Stephen King meets Tuck Everlasting in this eerie, compulsively page-turning tale of a girl haunted by the loss of her sister--and trapped by the mysterious power that fuels her small town. Ohhhh...Sounds creepy good!

There are ghosts, demons, warlocks, and even an alternate version of our world? HEY, those are some of my favorite things! Sign me up!

"Romantic, suspenseful, and witty all at once—Alice in Wonderland meets Neverwhere."—Claudia Gray, New York Times bestselling author of the Evernight series. Um, ok...I'm sold! I trust Claudia Gray. Plus, that pretty!
Blonde Ops by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman
Representing TEAM HUMAN this summer is a book about an international fashionista turned spy. Perfect for summer!
Not So Newer Releases:

1) The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
2) Black City by Elizabeth Richards
3) Icons by Margaret Stohl
4) Unbreakable by Kami Garcia
5) Earthbound by Aprilynne Pike
All I have been meaning to read for a while. Now is the time!
Of course, there are at least 50 other books I want to read this summer (high hopes, I know). There are so many wonderful, beautiful books out there just waiting for someone to love them! Happy reading and happy summer!
<3 Michelle
those sound good! lol i'm way behind and trying not to start too many new series!