
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Series I've Only Read One Book From and NEED To Read the Next/Rest

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Yes, I modified the topic again. I'm a rebel. This week's topic is actually, "Ten authors I've only read one book from but I NEED to read more". I was having trouble with it and my list ended up being a bunch of series I've read the first book from and never read the next/rest. I do this often and it's one of the things I need to work on. Between the new releases, ARCs for review and my own insanely out of control tbr pile, I get behind on my reading and unfortunately, sequels are usually the first casualties. I often find it difficult to make time to read sequels to books, even when I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the book. All the books on this list were wonderful and I really want and need to read their sequels. It's weird, I read for fun, but I feel like I'm obligated to read as much for review as possible. This means that I don't always get to read everything that I really want to read. It's hard to review sequels without spoiling the previous books, so I tend to choose stand alones and other first books in series to review. I need to set aside some ME time to make a dent in the piles of sequels I have. I was thinking about maybe doing it in December because the holidays are always busy and I think sequels would be perfect to read if my brain isn't able focus on things that are new. 

These are the books I have read #1 in the series but not the rest. I'll list the book/books I NEED to read as well...

Incarnate by Jodi Meadows

I absolutely loved this book. It was such a cool idea. I loved that it was about reincarnated souls and it was also awesome fantasy. This series is at the top of my must finish list. I still need to read Asunder, Phoenix Overture (eNovella) and Infinite. I own them all. 


For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund

What a lovely post-apocalyptic, dystopian book this was. It was beautiful and I fell in love with the gorgeous writing. I read the two eNovellas that go before and after this book (Among the Nameless Stars and The First Star to Fall) and I bought Across a Star Swept Sea, but I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet.


Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger

I adored this book about Windwalkers/Sylphs. It was...a breath of fresh air. I was so excited to read the next book, Let the Storm Break. I bought it, but it sits there taunting me. 


Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

This is one of the most unique and breathtaking books I've ever read. I even started reading the second book (Days of Blood and Starlight), but I got sidetracked with life and other books. I know the series is wonderful and I really want to finish it. The third and last book (Dreams of Gods and Monsters) is gigantic! I need a lot of time set aside for that alone!


Pivot Point by Kasie West

This book blew me away! I loved the alternate timelines for two different possible futures. I was so anxious to see where the story went next. I bought the sequel, Split Second, but sadly, haven't read it  yet. I've also heard wonderful things about her contemporary books, On the Fence and The Distance Between Us, so I NEED to read   those as well.


Splintered by A.G. Howard

I was captivated by this dark, modern take on Alice in Wonderland. I even pre-ordered the sequel, Unhinged. Have I read it yet? That would be a no. I have issues. 


Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

I loved this historical, paranormal, zombie book. It's set in Philadelphia in 1876, and parts of the book take place in one of the coolest places ever...Laurel Hill Cemetery. Seriously, I'm obsessed with that place. It's an enormous, gorgeous cemetery and they have tours, concerts, events, teas and even Easter Egg Hunts there. It's a beautiul place to walk, picnic or take pictures. Anyway, this book was fantastic and I don't know why I haven't read the sequels, A Darkness Strange and Lovely and Strange and Ever After. The sequels do not take place in Philadelpia, but instead they travel to Paris and Egypt, which I think is even more awesome. I NEED to read them! Plus, look how pretty they look together.


Hourglass by Myra McEntire

Such a cool book! It is as unique as the cover. I loved the X-Men kind of feel to it. It had good vs evil, superpowers, time travel, romance...why didn't I read the sequels? Don't know, but I plan to. I own them. Hopefully it'll happen soon. Timepiece and Infinityglass are waiting patiently in my tbr pile. 


Unwind by Neal Shusterman 

This is probably the best dystopian book I've ever read. I think the reason I haven't read the sequels yet is because there was a lot of time between Unwind and the the next books. Unwind was released in 2007 (that's when I read it) and UnWholly was released in 2012, UnSouled in 2013. I did buy them, but I remember that I wanted to re-read Unwind first.


Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Yes, I know...bad Michelle. I read Shatter Me when it first came out, I have the original cover (which I like better, btw). I haven't gotten around to the rest of the series, but I own them all. One thing holding be back is that I heard that gross Warner becomes her love interest. Ew. He's abusive and he held her hostage! I need someone to convince me to continue and read Unravel Me, Ignite Me and the Novellas Destroy Me and Fracture Me. I'm sure I'll read them no matter what, but I'd still like some encouragement.

Well, now you know I'm a slacker.

What books or authors do you NEED to read more from?

<3 Michelle


  1. Wooo Pivot Point! Please read Split Second because I loved it!! I've read every Kasie West books and love them all :)

  2. I too must finish the Unwind series (I did the same thing) and I own them, but I don't have any of these other series. I was looking at Splintered today and Laura said you loved that one. I can't believe I didn't know about Something Strange and Deadly! Have to get that now! And a few others.
