Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday (And A Giveaway!): Castle of Sighs by Jennifer Murgia

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Breaking the Spine to spotlight upcoming books. 

At the end of this post there is a Rafflecopter giveaway for Forest of Whispers (Book #1) PLUS something else really cool!

This week, I can't wait to read...

Castle of Sighs (Forest of Whispers #2)
by Jennifer Murgia

Publication date: September 15th, 2015
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Goodreads link: (click here)

Description from Goodreads: 
(I made one slight modification to remove a spoiler for book one. It's spoiler free now)

Some secrets cannot be kept—in life or in death. 

Months have passed since Rune has heard a single whisper from her long-dead mother, the great witch of Bavaria. But the absence of one evil has only made room for another. 

Rune settles into a quiet life at Pyrmont Castle, taking care of two orphans left in the wake of the terrible witch hunt that claimed dozens of lives in the nearby village. As the days grow colder, the castle’s secrets beckon and Rune finds herself roaming where no one has set foot in a long time. In the bowels of the fortress is a locked room full of memories that hang like cobwebs—shelves stacked with jars, strange specimens, putrid liquids, and scrolls of spells. Rune is undeniably drawn to what she finds there, and she begins to dabble in the possibilities of magic, hoping to find a cure for the strangeness overwhelming the castle. 

As secrets unspool, the delicate thread of Rune’s world is threatened when she realizes the key may lie in the dark forest she once called home and the boy she thought she knew.

Why I'm Excited:

I can't wait to get back to this enchanting, witchy world! The castles, the magic, the mystery and the creepy forest...OH MY!

I loved the first book, Forest of Whispers, so much and I've been very impatiently awaiting the sequel. Jennifer Murgia creates such amazing worlds with her words. She made me feel like I was right there and when I finished the book, I actually missed the place (the Black Forest of Bavaria) so much that I found myself Googling pictures of castles and forests (and cake) and wishing I had enough money to buy a plane ticket to go to there . . .

Anyway, you can check out my review of  Forest of Whispers HERE. If you haven't read it yet and you want to, well, I'd like to give you a chance.

I am giving away an autographed copy of Forest of Whispers PLUS a really cool set of wooden runes to one lucky person!

This giveaway is US and Canada only. 
I just had two International giveaways in a row that both had overseas winners. This box of runes is kind of heavy, too, so shipping would probably bankrupt me.

Also, please make sure the email you enter with is one that you check. If you enter with Facebook, it will give me the email you are registered with on Facebook. I will notify winners via email and give at least three days (and make at least two attempts to reach you) for winners to respond before choosing a new winner. I've had trouble reaching winners in the past, so I want to make sure I can reach whoever is chosen.

If you need to change the email for your entry (or assure that it's a valid one), you can click the little box in the top right corner of the Rafflecopter box (it has 3 lines on it). Log out and log in with email.

Good luck!

<3 Michelle


  1. This series sounds intriguing. I love forests, even dark spooky ones. Shame I can't enter your Giveaway. (Aussie here).
    Great pick, Michelle.

  2. Ohhh! Sounds good! Ok, i joined the giveaway! Although I'm a hopeless case since I'm from Philippines! :( I need to read the instructions next time! :)

    My WoW

    1. Aw, I'm, sorry! I do have lots of international giveaways, so keep checking back here. Actually, the winner of my last giveaway was from the Philippines. It doesn't cost as much as I thought to ship things there from the US as I thought it would. I hope to see you around!

  3. I love the synopsis and the cover, very intriguing :) Thanks for stopping by my blog today (:

    My WoW

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

  4. OMG! I can't believe that I haven't read this series, it sounds amazeballs! I love witch books, thanks so much for the giveaway! My sister would love those wooden runes!

    Betsy @ I Sold My Soul For Books

    1. I loved Forest of Whispers :) Good luck in the giveaway!

  5. FANTASTIC choice! You are right, I do like yours! LOL! I know you will love this one, as you did the first. Thanks for choosing this! And thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great week, Michelle.

  6. Seems like a really interesting series. Love the blurb. I couldn't really make out the title on the cover though.

    Happy Wednesday!

  7. OOh that sounds intriguing! Never heard of it, but off to enter the contest for the first one!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. That cover is so gorgeous! I haven't read the first book but I have instantly put both on my TBR.

    Christina @ Books & Prejudice

    1. Forest of Whispers was one of my favorite books from last year. I'm happy to share it with others!

  9. Awesome pick! I will have to check out the first book. It definitely sounds like something I'd enjoy. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    1. I love Jennifer Murgia, especially Forest of Whispers and I hope you do, too! You're welcome!

  10. I think I've seen this book somewhere! Although I must admit, I haven't read the first book but I want to dive into this book!

    My WoW

    1. I highly recommend it! Be prepared to want to travel to Bavaria!

  11. I've not heard of this one. I hope you enjoy this book when you read it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fantastic day :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  12. Oooo creepy forests for the win! I hope this sequel is every bit as good as the first book for you:)

    1. It is gorgeously creepy! Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I've never heard of this series until now! It sounds super interesting! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the first book!

    xo Stephanie

    1. You won! I sent an email (and possibly some other message because Rafflcopter did something weird). Congratulations!

  14. I don't think I'd ever heard of the first one, but your description makes me intrigued. I had to go enter the contest!

  15. I got an arc of the first book, but never managed to read it for some reason or another. Will definitely be giving it another try now!! <3

  16. I've never heard of this series! It does sound really interesting though! I'm becoming more and more a fan of fantasy lately... Great pick!

    Here's my WoW!

  17. This is a new series for me, but I love how it had you goggling castles and cake! Sounds good!

    My WoW

  18. Haven't heard of this one, I'm intrigued.

  19. New to me but def has potential. Hope you get a chance to read and enjoy soon.

  20. Thank you for hosting my book as your WOW!! <3

  21. I read Forest of Whispers last year, but it's been so long that I can't remember what happened! O_O I'll probably have to skim it before I read the second one!
    Ariel @ Bookish Confessions

  22. It sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing, I'll check it out.
    here is My WoW

  23. I haven't read this yet but it looks like a great book. Crossing my fingers that I can win.

  24. I would love to read this book!

  25. I'm really selective on witch stories because I got burned out on them a while back. Love the cover of this one thought. It's gorgeous.

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress

  26. I've never seen this series before, but it sounds really interesting.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you enjoy this book when it comes out!
