
Monday, June 1, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I'd Love To See As Movies/TV Shows

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's Top Ten Topic is "Ten Books I'd Love To See As Movies/TV Shows". Ok, I think I can do this...

Shutter by Courtney Alameda

This would make the most badass tv show or movie! Since it reminds me of Supernatural (with a classic horror twist) and it has the potential for stand alone episodes as well as "mythology" episodes, I think this would work well on tv. BUT, it's rather gory, so a movie could be better for special effects. This would not need big stars to carry it because there is so much action and plot.

Starbound trilogy by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

This series would make three awesome movies. The third book isn't out yet, but I still want it to be made into a movie. There is SO MUCH potential here! I should start thinking about dream casting for Tarver.

The Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

This would be beyond amazing as movies. I've heard rumors about it actually happening, but nothing for a while.

Under the Never Sky trilogy by Veronica Rossi

This sci-fi/dystopian series would make fantastic movies!

The Dark House series by Laurie Faria Stolarz

These books read like a classic 90s horror movie (Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer), they would make great movies. I'd go see them.

The Brokenhearted series by Amelia Kahaney

This would make an awesome tv show. It's a lot like Smallville, Arrow and The Flash. It's a kickass superhero origin story and the main character is a female, which is much needed on tv.

Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas

If Game of Thrones can be done, I say, so can can Throne of Glass be!

The Murder Complex series by Lindsay Cummings

This dark, dystopian series would make a good tv show. I'd say tv because there's a lot of backstory that would involve flashbacks. There's a lot of story and a lot of murder. It's awesome.

Phoenix Island by John Dixon

I know, technically this WAS a tv show already. Phoenix Island "inspired" the show Intelligence that was on CBS about a year or so ago, but it deviated SO MUCH from the book's source material that it was unrecognizable. According to John, as soon as Josh Holloway (LOST) was interested and signed on, everything changed. The characters were aged up and Phoenix Island became just a backstory. They were no longer teens fighting for survival in a deadly boot camp, but FBI agents. It would be nice to see the original story get a chance to shine. From what I's very possible that will happen. The rights go back to him soon and there is definite interest in the story since other movies with a similar target audience did so well (The Maze Runner).

Rot & Ruin series by Jonathan Maberry 

I've heard rumors for a long time that this zombie series was going to be made into a movie, but i haven't heard anything for a while. I'd be really surprised if it doesn't see the big or small screen eventually since it actually takes place in the Walking Dead world.

Well, that's ten!

What books do you want to see made into movies or tv shows?

<3 Michelle


  1. I completely agree about ToG! I wanna see a hot, smexy fae named Rowan on screen amirite?

    I haven't read This Shattered World (I read the first one) or Under the Never Sky trilogy. Both are on my infinite TBR list, but this tells me they're good. So I will be sure to get to them sometime.

    Here's my TTT

  2. Both Throne of Glass and The Grisha Trilogy would/could (if done right) be amazing!!!
    my TTT

  3. Nice! I still need to read Welcome to the Dark House but I can already agree that that would be awesome!! Leigh Bardugo's trilogy would be pretty epic too! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Rot and Ruin needs to happen. I would also like to see a steampunk series or movie make it big. So I would recommend the book Ticker or the Parasol Protectorate series or Shelly Adina's Devices series.

  5. I also would love to see a movie of Starbound and Under Never Sky. Nice list.

  6. Another list with a ton of options I haven't even read! I totally agree with These Broken Stars!! But I am dying to read Shutter and Throne of Glass! Great list!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  7. Many people seems to put Throne of Glass in their list, so maybe I should reading it! Also, eventhough I haven't read it, I think the Starbound trilogy would make a good movie :)

    Great list, my TTT

  8. I love your choices for this week, they'd translate so brilliantly to the screen, I can't believe they haven't done some of these already.

  9. Great picks! I've never heard of the Dark House series but it sounds creepy and would make a good horror movie/TV show.

    Jocelyn @ Jooniel Obsesses over Stories

  10. I think Throne of Glass would be amazing

  11. I've only read a few of these, but this post definitely put more books on my list so that I can add more adaptations I want to see.

    Basically almost everything I read and enjoy I want on the big or little screens :) I HAVE to read Shutter, Dark House, and Murder Complex really soon!

  12. YES, I have Throne of Glass on my list too this week ♥ And I've only recently heard about Shutter - the MC has the same name as me which is shocking and awesome :D I'm worried that it might be too gory for this scaredy-cat. Although I am a fan of Supernatural so hopefully I could handle Shutter too! I still need to read Starbound, Grisha and UtNS though but they're on the old tbr shelf. Awesome selection Michelle! x

  13. I'm with you on the Under the Never Sky Trilogy. I've not read the Grisha books - I keep meaning to but maybe I'll bump them up my TBR list :)

    Claire @ Book Blog Bird

  14. Apparently the rights for Shadow and Bone have been bought and These Broken Stars series is being made into a TV show. I really think both of those would make great movies! (I guess I'll deal with a broken stars show instead). Except for these, I've only read Murder Complex, Never Sky, and Throne of Glass. All of which will make amazing movies or shows! Very dark, yes, but still amazing!

  15. I had TOG on my list this week too! It seems to be a popular choice which is great.
    My TTT:

  16. I would love to see the Grisha series made into a couple of movies (I think they could condense book two and just have two)!

  17. Great list!! I didn't even think of the Starbound trilogy when I made my list. Clearly I'm missing out by not having read the Grisha Trilogy need to get on that. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great week.

  18. I love Under The Never Sky and I do think it would make a great tv show or movie! And absolutely yes to Throne of Glass and These Broken Stars.
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

  19. Rot and Ruin looks good, I love zombie books and so does Under The Never Sky ! Thanks for stopping by earlier.

  20. OOOOH such a good list! YES to Grisha series, and definitely yes to Under the Never Sky! They would be amazing! And I have to assume that Throne of Glass WILL happen someday, because everyone adores it so much!! Fabulous list! You have also reminded me of a few series I NEED to read ;)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  21. Oh wow... I thought we would have some overlap between you and MY LIST, but there is none. However, you have some great reads here and I wouldn't mind seeing some of these books on the big screen for sure!

    Happy Reading! Beth@Perpetual New Girl

  22. I haven't read any of these books but there all on my TRL. Rot and ruin look awesome I love Zombies. Anything with zombies would make a great movie.

    Megan @
