Monday, June 29, 2015

ARC Giveaway: Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between

Hello again, Minions! It's time to share more of my BEA bounty with you! Now that my last giveaway has ended and the book (After the Red Rain by Barry Lyga, Peter Facinelli and Rob DeFranco) is making it's way to it's new home (congrats again to Kirsty-Marie!), it's time for the next one! This time, I'm giving away a book I got two copies of. The book is Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith. Jenifer was signing in the autographing area and I got one signed and personalized, but one of the people I was with just got one signed and gave it to me so I could give it away here (how nice!). Again, score for one of you!

So, here's the book...

Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between
by Jennifer E, Smith
Release date: September 1st, 2015
Goodreads link: (click here)

Description from Goodreads:

On the night before they leave for college, Clare and Aidan only have one thing left to do: figure out whether they should stay together or break up. Over the course of twelve hours, they'll retrace the steps of their relationship, trying to find something in their past that might help them decide what their future should be. The night will lead them to friends and family, familiar landmarks and unexpected places, hard truths and surprising revelations. But as the clock winds down and morning approaches, so does their inevitable goodbye. The question is, will it be goodbye for now or goodbye forever?

This new must-read novel from Jennifer E. Smith, author of The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, explores the difficult choices that must be made when life and love lead in different directions.

This giveaway is International.

Also, please make sure the email you enter with is one that you check. If you enter with Facebook, it will give me the email you are registered with on Facebook. I will notify winners via email and give at least three days (and make at least two attempts to reach you) for winners to respond before choosing a new winner. I've had trouble reaching winners in the past, so I want to make sure I can reach whoever is chosen.

If you need to change the email for your entry (or assure that it's a valid one), you can click the little box in the top right corner of the Rafflecopter box (it has 3 lines on it). Log out and log in with email.

Good luck!

<3 Michelle


  1. Thanks soo much for the giveaway, Michelle! I'm dying to read this novel so I'm really rooting for... myself. (That sounded way more selfish than I intended :P) You're so lucky to have been able to go to BEA and so nice for making this giveaway international, so thanks again. <33
    My favorite contemporary YA... maybe Magnolia by Kristi Cook but I love everything by Meg Cabot as well. :)

    1. You're welcome! I really need to read Magnolia. I've had it for a while but haven't read it yet. A lot of people really loved it, so I may have to dig it out soon. Good luck!

  2. So can't wait for After the Red Rain to get here, thanks again! :D Buy oh my god, seriously, you're giving away the books I desperately want, haha. I doubt I'll win again (but no harm in trying, right?) Hmm, favourite YA contemp? Definitely anything by Kasie West right now, or Emery Lord or Jennifer E Smith, I can't pick, ha. Thanks for the giveaway (again!) and honestly? You're a star for making it international again. :D

    1. It should be there before the end oof the week! I hope you enjoy it. Let me know when it geta there since it travelled so far. Good luck, you never know!

  3. I love Jennifer E Smith's other books! I admit, that she's one of my favorite contemporary authors (along with Stephanie Perkins, Morgan Matson, Kasie West, and Jenny Han). Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I love Kasie West! I still need to read Stephanie Perkins books. I have them, just haven't gotten to them. You're welcome and good luck!

  4. My fav contemporaries are by Kristen Proby and Monica Murphy :)

  5. Hi :) My favourite authors are Tillie Cole and Penelope Douglas when it comes to YA.

  6. Thank you so much for this great giveaway! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Jennifer Smith, Stephanie Perkins and Rainbow Rowell are my favorite YA authors.

    1. You won! I sent an email to you! Congratulations!!

    2. Thank you so much Michelle. I'm so excited to read this book! :)

  7. Kasie West can do no wrong! I love her! I really need to read Since You've Been Gone. Good luck!

  8. Looks like a great book! Gorgeous cover! I have her other books to read!

  9. Um. HOW was I not following you on Twitter?! I SWEAR I was. I think Twitter is unfollowing people again, because I had this happen with someone else too- someone I absolutely KNOW I was following. I digress, the situation has been fixed! The hell!? I wasn't following you on Bloglovin either?! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?

    Oh right, books. Ah hem. My favorite contemporary, hands down, is Rites of Passage! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  10. Hii thank you for this giveaway, my contemporary book that I hace read in this year is Anna and the french kiss
