
Monday, April 6, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Characters I Want To Check In With

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's Top Ten topic is "Top Ten Characters You'd Like To Check In With (meaning, the book or series is over and you so just wish you could peek in on the "life" you imagine they are leading years down the line after the story ends)." I think I can do this, but I'm notoriously bad at finishing series, so I'll have to think a lot about this.

Ten characters I'd love to check in on...

Under the Never Sky trilogy by Veronica Rossi

I would love to find out what Roar is up to. I kind of wish he'd get his own series. I'm sure there is plenty of trouble in the Still Blue for him to get into.

The Grisha series by Leigh Bardugo
(he appears in Seige & Storm and Ruin & Rising)

I'd love to follow him on more adventures!

Harry Potter & Company

I'm pretty sure this is going to be on nearly every list.

Glory O'Brien
Glory O'Brien's History of the Future
by A.S. King

I wonder how her future really turned out?

Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy

I just want to know how she kept on LIVING.

Frankie Landau-Banks
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
by E. Lockhart

I figure she's either a criminal or the President of the United States.

Love, Lucy by April Lindner

Did she become a Broadway star? Are she and Jesse together?

Charisma by Jeanne Ryan

I just want to know how she's doing and if she's cured any diseases yet.

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Seriously, how's life with Jacob? How are mom and dad doing? I'm pretty sure she's never going to write anything ever again, though. What a shame.

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

So, um...did humans take back the planet eventually? Like I said, she's never writing another book, like, ever.

Who do you want to check in on?

<3 Michelle


  1. Harry Potter and Twilight for real- I wonder why she hasn't released a new book lately.

  2. Great list! I think everyone is pining for some more Potter and Twilight insights - so many great characters! Some books I definitely should get round to as well, adding them to my TBR pile, thanks!

    Rosy @ The Review Diaries
    My TTT

  3. OOh nice picks! I do wonder how Roar is doing myself now that you mention it! Nikloai too! I binged that series so it's kind of hard to remember things! Lol! And of course Harry! Always Harry! :)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I'm regretting not putting Nikolai on my list, I'd definitely love to read more about him!
    my TTT

  5. Funny, I love Harry Potter but I've never really thought much about what the gang are doing now. When people try to get JK to write more Harry, I'm thinking 'noooo, more about Sirius and James and Snape and the original rise of Voldemort please!'

  6. I would really like to know what happened to the characters next in many of these books! You've got some great choices this week Michelle! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  7. I would love to read more about Frankie!

  8. Of course, Renesmee! How could I have forgotten about her?! Great list!

  9. I feel the same about Twilight. It would be so nice to hear more about Renesmee. I kinda hope she gave Bella and Edward a bit of grief whilst a teenager.

  10. I want to see every single character from Harry Potter, get their happy ending. The last scene of the 7th novel was not enough by far. I want to know about the Weasley's, Luna, Neville, Cho and I could go on.
    Lovely list. :)

  11. Yeah, I have seen Harry Potter on a lot of lists already today. (He didn't make mine, though; I was fairly satisfied with the existing epilogue.)

    The only way I'd want to see a Renesmee book is if she told Jacob to get lost. The whole imprinting thing is just too squicky for me.

  12. Good list!! I would've been happier if there was not an epilogue in HP. It left me feeling very blah. I would rather imagine that Harry and Ginny broke up at some point and he met somebody else. I would also like to see what's up with Frankie Landau-Banks. I love how you said she's either president or a criminal... that's what I always say are the options for my son's future LOL.

    Thanks for stopping by my list :)

  13. Nice picks, Michelle :)
    You're right, I have so far come across only one TTT list that didn't include our beloved HP characters. The epilogue and all of J.K. Rowling's little Twitter teases only make us more curious, haha~
    Roar was my favorite character in the Under the Never Sky trilogy! He was so sweet and adorable (not to mention he never got on my nerves, unlike some of the other main characters *coughPerryandAriacoughcough*

    - Connie @ The YA Book Thief

  14. I agree about the characters in Harry Potter!

  15. YES! I need to know what happens to Nikolai, he became my favorite character in the Grisha series!

  16. We are all interested, it seems, in finding out about Harry.

  17. I visited lots of blogs today, but I apologize if I missed you or didn't comment on comments. I'm sick :( I've got a horrible cold. No fun.

  18. YAYYY! We have a few in common- and I LOVE the idea of Roar having a spin off. There is definitely enough there for him to have one. New petition needed! Glory O'Brien is SUCH a good choice, how did I not add her!? I wanted to know so badly! Nicolai is also a great choice- I considered him, but I actually didn't cheat this week ;) And we will never, ever know what becomes of Melanie/Wanda, because NOPE the sequel is flat out never happening! GREAT list, sorry you are sick though- I am too, it is awful. I hope you feel better very soon!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  19. Well, I still need to read Under the Never Sky AND The Grisha series - both have been on my tbr shelf for AGES. I liked seeing them here though^^ makes me know I have something good to look forward to ;) AND YES HP of course, I NEED to check out on ALL the crew ♥ Great list and thanks for stopping by yesterday!

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

  20. I so agree with you about Harry Potter, it's one my favorite series & I would also like to see what happened with them next.. wonderful post <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  21. Nikolai - I completely forgot about him! Ugh, I need more from him so badly!
