
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books For Readers Who Like...Blue Covers?

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Oh, boy. This week's topic is giving me SO MUCH trouble! The topic is "Ten Books For Readers Who Like ________." It's a choose your own topic week. I have been thinking and thinking and I couldn't come up with anything. Finally I gave up and decided I was either going to skip this week or just list books with blue covers. But just as I was about to start going blue, a post with the same topic popped up on my Blogger feed from Krystianna at Downright Dystopian (check out her list HERE). I'm still doing my list of blue covers, but I wanted to link to her just because, obviously, great minds must think alike :)

You see, the reason I chose this topic is because I work in a bookstore and often when people come in looking for a book, they know NOTHING about it except that the cover is blue.

So, here are my favorite books with blue covers:
(click book covers for Goodreads link)

The Selection by Kiera Cass

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz

The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting

The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet by Stephanie Morrill

What's your favorite blue book?

What topic did you decide on this week?

Show me your lists!

<3 Michelle


  1. Love this! Such a good idea. Beautiful choices too!

  2. I LOVE THAT YOU DID BLUE. I actually seriously considered going by colour because colour is awesome (and plus I organise my bookshelf by colour). XD And it's also really interesting to see what genre most colours fall under. hehe. Okay I'm getting complicated. Least to say I LOVE your picks! I adore The Selection and These Broken Stars, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Throne of Glass!!
    Here's my TTT!

  3. Well, I just had to check...and...listed my favs in order at GR...and...oh my...what does it mean that lots and lots of my old favorites have BLUE COVERS?!

    Thanks for the fun category.

    Here's my TTT: Good Books for Old Broads (Like Me)!

  4. This is such a lovely idea! And a very interesting one. I just realized that many of my favorite books have blue covers. How odd... Anyway, I really love the books you picked! Especially "Under the Never Sky". I rarely see people talk about, or at least mention, that series.

  5. Brilliant idea :-D I'm sooooo excited to read Outlander - everyone seems to love the series and I'm really into historical romance lately, so I'm sure I will love it too :-D I also really want to start The Throne of Glass series! x

  6. What a fantastic choice for a list. The covers are SO pretty too! My TTT

  7. Yay Blue is for Nightmares!!! I actually have this one in my post too! Totally different topic though! And oooh you should include my favorite 13 to Life by Shannon Delany! It has an amazing cover--I thought so at least, totally became obsessed with it! LOL!--and it's BLUE!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Throne of Glass and The Selection have such beautiful colors-great list! I think books with blue covers really give off a cool, chilling vibe.
    My TTT:

  9. I love blue and all those covers are really pretty. Blue is for Nightmares looks really interesting. You can see my Top 10 list at I chose horror books as I knew I could come up with at least 10.

  10. OK, I laughed out loud at your topic. Blue covers and I totally understand about the whole, "I saw this book with a blue cover." thing. Haven't worked at a bookstore, but...I've worked at a library for many years. Yep. It's just the same. LOL

    I've read a couple on your list - OUTLANDER and THE BODY FINDER. Love your topic!!

  11. Gotta love the Outlander series!! Stargirl is the only book with a blue cover that I can recall that made my TTT list this week.

    Here's my link to my TTT post for the week:

  12. I liked the body finder, but I couldn't get into book three of the series
    My TTT

  13. Some of my favorite blue-covered books include PURITY (Jackson Pearce) and MOCKINGJAY.

  14. These covers are all so pretty, I really do love the two covers! This is a great post idea x Benish| Feminist Reflections

  15. What a fabulous post idea! I love the blue cover theme. Love your list!

  16. For some reason, I have a soft spot for blue covers! Anyway, great list!

  17. Okay, this is so funny, because I said the exact same thing! I was literally going to do this topic, because blue is my favorite color, and I was SO LOST. So I don't think it's lame, I think great minds really DO think alike :)

    That said... THESE COVERS! I love them. My favorite is These Broken Stars, because of course. Another really great blue one is Ignite Me! And MOCKINGJAY!!! I seriously love this list, nothing wrong with listing pretty covers!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  18. I think I have quite a few books with blue covers for doing something like this! I have a gorgeous Harry Potter set which has two blue covers, a Morganville vampires book...I might have to do some colour themed book sharing posts in the future! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  19. I just commented on Krystianna's saying I wouldn't have thought to have done a color! But I almost wish I had!! Throne of Glass, These Broken Stars, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone are amazing!!! The others I haven't read yet. But I own a good portion of them!

    Great list!

  20. Cool topic idea^^ I wish I'd worked in a bookstore and I think it's funny that people only remember looking for blue books XD In any case, some of my favorite books seem to be blue: Throne of Glass and Daughter of Smoke & Bone to name a few ♥ I own a copy of These Broken Stars, Outlander and Under the Never Sky too though but I've yet to read them. Hopefully soon :) Awesome picks this week, Here's my TTT

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

  21. lol, I love your reason for choosing this topic. Under The Never Sky is one of my favorite reads, too! I'm planning to read Outlander eventually, but it's such a long book (which is slightly intimidating). Great list :)

    1. Don't be intimidated by the size of Outlander. It's an amazing book and you will get so lost in the world Diana Gabaldon created, you'll totally forget how long it is. Before you know it, you'll be finished and wanting to read the next one in the series. Have a great day!
