
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Nerdy Book Problems I Have

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's Top Ten topic is, "Ten Bookish Problems I Have". HAHA! Just ten? Well, ok then...

I spend all of my money on books!

The ONLY things I buy for myself are books. Which is why I dress like a hobo and eat cheap food. 


I don't get much sleep!

I'll stay up all night reading or blogging about books. Late at night is my only free time, so I usually only get a few hours of sleep.

That's what coffee is for.

There are books EVERYWHERE!

The books are on shelves, piled on tables, stacked on the floor, in every cabinet and on every surface of every room. Lots and lots of books. I want to read them, but...

There's not enough time to read all the books I buy! 


I'd rather read than socialize!

If given the choice to leave my house and do stuff or stay home and finish my book (or start a new one), I'm going to pick my book. I've even cancelled plans because I didn't want to stop reading.

My purse is HEAVY!

My purse is gigantic and heavy because I usually carry two books in it, the one I'm reading and one just in case I finish that one. It's a habit. 

I get overly excited and emotional over books!

Not everyone appreciates a "book shimmy" or cares when bad things happen to good characters. I've cheered, cried, laughed or screamed in public and I'd do it again.

I try to read too many books at the same time!

I sometimes end up reading three or four books at a time. I have so many and I can't always decide what I want to read, so I read all of them! Or as many as I can. Sometimes I end up having to set some aside because I overwhelm myself. 

I'm a bookaholic!

I love books. I need them in my life and I've been working in bookstores for many years. If I'm not buying them or reading them I still just like being around them. Books make me happy.

Sometimes people don't get me and my nerdy book references! 

But you know what? That's ok, because some people do. And as for those who don''s their loss, because...

What are your bookish problems?

<3 Michelle


  1. This list is just... YES!;)
    It's so hard not to buy a billion books- when I have too many books at a bookstore and have to eliminate some from my pile, it tends to take me a looooong time to choose because I want them all:(
    I love reading a book that makes me want to read all night because it means I love it- even if I'm basically a sleep-deprived zombie the next day;)
    Love the Sheldon and Raj dance! Books have made me feel so much- I've cried and laughed and had my heart broken into a million pieces by books:( Don't even get me started on the Book Thief or Fault in Our Stars or The Kite Runner- they just shattered me!
    Haha! Books make me happy too;)
    My name is Maya and I'm also a bookaholic (not on the road to recovery)!
    Great TTT:)
    Maya @

  2. I usually have a paperback in my purse too!
    And yes most days I'd rather read than socialize

  3. Hahahaha I love your first one because I'm the same! I only ever spend money on books now. It sounds kind of sad but I regret nothing! LOL.

  4. I love the term tsundoku! It's so accurate and I'm completely guilty of it. I sometimes will buy books over going out for lunch/dinner. I figure a book will last longer haha.

  5. I enjoyed reading your list, Michelle! And the gifs. :-)

    I wish there was more time to read all the books I want to read too. All the books I own that I haven't read . . . It's hard to resist adding to our existing collection though, isn't it? I'd rather read than socialize too. It's the reason I hide out during my lunch break at work. I don't want people to interrupt my reading time. And just ask my coworkers and husband what I'm reading on any given day and they can probably tell you. I can't not talk about it--even if just a little. I'm that annoying person.

  6. I love your list and can relate to every single thing on it. We're all alike mostly aren't we, the book people. ;-)

  7. OMG, I can totally relate to your book related problems!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment!!

  8. Great list : ) So nice to read that I'm not alone in these issues! LOL

  9. I'm with you on the preferring to read than socialize at least most of the time. Also trying to read too many books at a time!

  10. I can relate to a LOT of your problems Michelle. Bookworms unite! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :-)

  11. Awesome list. I love how you found a image or clip for each one. I think we share many of the same however I can't read more than one book at a time. Ugh I can just imagine if I could. I already take a book kindle charger and my kindle everywhere. My husband already rolls his eyes when I run to the grocery store with my books and charger just in case we get stuck in the store by some freaky power failure.

  12. Oh my goodness, I can relate to so much of this! I totally look like a hobo too, because BOOKS. I was going to dye my hair, because the greys are out of hand but.... books! And time, oh, I feel you! I never sleep, and then I complain about how tired I am but then the next night.... you know, books. (And YES, coffee!) Your list is fantastic, I LOVE the pictures! And John Green, right as usual :)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  13. Looool.... I carry two books for the same reason. People think I'm insane, but seriously, it's just being prepared.
