
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tag: Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

I've been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. This is a fun tag that shows appreciation for other blogs while giving my own readers more information about me and my blog. I've finally have a working laptop again so I can participate in these now!

Thank you, Captivated Reader for the nomination! I really appreciate the nomination as a way to promote other blogs... So with that in mind, I'm here to not only promote my book blog but to promote other book blogs!

Here are the rules for the The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award:

1. Thank the blogger that nominated you, and link back to their site.

2. Post the award's logo onto your blog. 
3. Answer the 10 questions you've been asked.
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers and ask them 10 questions.

So here goes... 

The following are my answers to the questions asked to me by Captivated Reader (show her some blog-love and give her a follow or check out her blog!):

1. What book series have you read or are currently reading that you would recommend to other readers?

Well, I keep telling people to read The Brokenhearted series by Amelia Kahaney, especially if they like superhero origin stories (Smallville, The Flash, Arrow). I work in a bookstore and I end up recommending Under the Never Sky series by Veronica Rossi and The Selection series by Kiera Cass an awful lot. These are favorites of mine, so it makes sense. As for a NON-YA series recommendation, Rachel Vincent's Shifters series totally kicks ass and is a must read. It's fine for older teens, too. Some adult hanky panky, but it's not too shocking (it's no 50 shades of creepiness) . I love that it's about were cats and the story and characters are great.

2. Do you listen to audiobooks? If so, which one would you highly recommend?

I actually don't listen to audiobooks. I don't have the attention span to listen to anything for an extended period of time, I'm sure I'd zone out and start daydreaming.

3. What are you reading (or listening to) now?

I just finished reading I Was Here by Gayle Forman a few minutes ago and I'm debating what to read next.

4. What's your favorite comfort food and/or beverage to enjoy while reading/listening to a book?

Espresso. I like to sit and read my book with a giant, FULL mug of espresso (about 10 shots). Caffeine doesn't really affect me anymore. I find drinking large quantities of espresso quite relaxing.

5. What do you most enjoy about blogging?

Connecting with other bloggers, getting creative and having fun writing my posts and FREE advanced copies of books. It's a good life.

6. Which author would you most like to meet?

I've meet a ton of authors and checked quite a few off of my wish list. I'm friends with a lot of authors, too. So...I guess the one person I haven't met that I seem to keep missing is Lauren Oliver. Before I Fall is one of my favorite books and I'd love to tell her that and thank her in person for writing it. 

7. What's your least favorite genre to read?

Non-fiction. I read to escape from reality.

8. Where would you go on your dream vacation?

One day I'd like to go back to Venice, Italy...BUT, if I'm being honest, my dream vacation would just be a week (at home) of uninterrupted time to read and sleep. I don't like to leave my cats and I don't get much quiet time without my noisy son yelling, "MOMMY! MOMMY! I NEED YOU!"

9. Do you like novels with predictable and/or happy endings?

I love happy endings :) Sometimes it's necessary to have a tragic or sad ending, but I still want to read books that end with a "happily ever after".  It goes along with my wanting to escape from reality thing. 

10. What's your favorite color?

I BLEED Black & Gold. 

Most of my wardrobe (including shoes) include some form of black & gold/yellow. Why, you may ask? You might be able to guess. If not...


(Ben Roethlisberger!)

I love my Steelers and Penguins!

My Nominees:

 (I don't think I'll be able to do 10, but if anyone else wants to play along, feel free and consider yourself nominated/tagged. If I nominate you and you've already been tagged with this or you don't have the time, it's cool.)

Also, you don't need to add pictures ot gifs, I just like to :)

1) Christine Danielle @ Bibliophilic Madness

2) Betsy @ I Sold My Soul For Books

3) Stephanie @ In Wonderland

4) czai @ The Blacksheep Project

My questions for you:

1) What is your favorite book?

2) What is the origin of your blog's name? Why did you pick it?

3) Where is your favorite place to read?

4) What is your favorite tv show and movie?

5) What is your favorite thing about blogging?

6) Who is your favorite book or literature couple?

7) How big is your tbr pile (to be read) currently?

8) What do you like to eat or drink while you read?

9) What is your favorite type of book to read (genre, books about anything in particular)?

10) Do you have other hobbies besides reading?

Thank you so much for reading this post... If I've nominated you for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, I look forward to reading your answers. Take care and happy reading!!

<3 Michelle


  1. Wow, I loved reading all of your answers!!

    I look forward to checking out the book series you've recommended as I haven't read any of them.

    I like your favorite color choices... Lol, I thought for a second there you were going to say you were a University of Iowa Hawkeyes Fan (my alma mater) as their colors are also black and gold.

    1. Unfortunately, the Steelers and Pens are having a rough time these days.

  2. P. S. Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions!

    1. I had fun answering them! Thanks for thinking of me!

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me! My post is up!

    Here's the link:

    Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

  4. I really want to read The Brokenhearted! It sounds really good, but I was disheartened after seeing a bunch of negative reviews! I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

    1. I saw the negative reviews and I don't get it. The Brokenhearted was awesome! The Invisible, too! It's dark, the story is great, there's lots of butt-kicking action and both books have crazy plot twists. When you read it, just go into it to enjoy it. I hope you like it!

  5. I don't listen to audiobooks either, I don't see the appeal, since I like reading and prefer not to listen to a book, pretty weird, haha. My dream holiday would be Italy, hoping to get to go there someday, preferably sooner than later. :)
