
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Breaking the Spine.

I can't wait to read...

 Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell

Publication date: August 4th, 2015
Publisher: Clarion Books
Goodreads link: (click here)

Description from Goodreads

Nicolette’s awful stepsisters call her “Mechanica” to demean her, but the nickname fits: she learned to be an inventor at her mother’s knee. Her mom is gone now, though, and the Steps have pushed her into a life of dreary servitude. When she discovers a secret workshop in the cellar on her sixteenth birthday—and befriends Jules, a tiny magical metal horse—Nicolette starts to imagine a new life for herself. And the timing may be perfect: There’s a technological exposition and a royal ball on the horizon. Determined to invent her own happily-ever-after, Mechanica seeks to wow the prince and eager entrepreneurs alike.

Why I'm Excited

First, let's take a minute to stare at that gorgeous cover. Oohhh... Anyway, I am so excited for a magical, steampunk-ish fairytale. There have been other re-tellings of Cinderella, but this one sounds very interesting. Mechanica definitely gives the impression that it is more of a fantasy. I can't wait to add this pretty, pretty book to my shelves. 

What are you waiting to read?

<3 Michelle


  1. Wow, you have a long wait on this book. Sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy it when finally get to read it.

    Nice blog by the way :)

    My WoW @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

    1. Thank you :) I know it's a long way away, but the way it's been going, it won't be long before it's available somewhere for review. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. lol, it really is pretty! I think it could be really interesting, especially if it takes on a more fantasy style of writing. Great pick!

    Here's My WoW.

  3. Wow, this does sound pretty interesting! I have heard of it, but I haven't seen the cover- I admit, the cover definitely attracts me to it more! I kind of like the whole idea of it too, even though it is fairy tale-ish, Nicolette sounds like a pretty great protagonist! Great pick!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
