
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ten Contemporary YA Books I Bought But Haven't Read Yet (But I Really Want To)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Well, this weeks topic is supposed to be, Top Ten Books I'm Not Sure I Want To Read-books you've bought and you don't want to read anymore, hyped books you aren't sure about or books that make you think, "TO READ OR NOT TO READ?" I was having a hard time with this because it seems so negative. If I buy a book, I want to read it. I also don't think any author wants to find him or herself on a list like this.  I tried to think of a way to spin the topic on my own. I actually considered not linking this week, but I hopped around the blogs and saw that others had spun it as well. I'm a rebel, so ...

Here's what I decided on...

I noticed that out of the 52 books I've read this year, only 4 of them were contemporary. Why, I don't know. I just tend to reach for the paranormal, sci-fi or dystopian first. I LIKE reading contemporary books, some of my favorites are contemporary, but for some reason, I tend to put off reading them. I actually feel ashamed that I haven't read some of these yet. I keep seeing articles about how dystopian is dead and contemporary is where it's at now, but I still love the dark stuff. I have enjoyed every contemporary book this year and I REALLY want to make time to read these ten books...

(Click on the book titles for the Goodreads link)

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

I know! What's wrong with me? How have I not read this yet? A quirky story about first love, set in the 80s...I should have read this long ago.

Blonde Ops by Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman

This book about an international fashionista turned spy WILL be read soon. I promise. I know and love the two lovely ladies who wrote this book, and I feel awful that I haven't read it yet.

This book just sounds so sweet and fun. I met Jenny Han and she's adorable, which makes me want to read it even more. Why haven't I?

By Stephanie Perkins

The way people rave about these books, I'm suprised I haven't read these by now. Everyone keeps telling me to read them. All I need to do is pick them up and start. Easy. I know It'll be worth it.

Just  One Day by Gayle Forman

I feel really bad I've put this one off for so long. I've picked it up a few times but other things have come up. I know it's a wonderful book. 

Wild Cards by Simone Elkeles

Simone Elkeles is one of my favorite authors, yet I just haven't gotten around to reading Wild Cards yet. It's about love and football, how awesome is that? This is definitely on my fall must read list. I love football...(GO STEELERS!!)

There is SO much love out there for this book, I hope to share in that love soon.

Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill

This came highly recommended by a friend and fellow bookseller. I bought it and was very excited to read it, but I never did...I will. I will...I really WANT to!

Swimming Through Clouds by Radjeep Paulus

It's about a romance via post-it notes, but it's also deep and emotionally charged. I've heard so many wonderful things about this book. I have to make time to read it.

Have you read any of these? Where should I start? 

<3 Michelle


  1. I've only read Eleanor & Park for my book club & loved it. But I do the exact same thing. I keep picking paranormal/dystopian/steampunk over contemporary/romance. I went on a Cyn Balog spree... but right back to zombies & aliens. Lol. You are not alone!

  2. I have read JUST ONE DAY and highly recommend it. One reason it can be hard to pick up a contemp sometimes is that they deal with such heavy issues. But JUST ONE DAY, though it doesn't skimp on emotions, has a lot of travel and romance in it, so it's a good choice if you don't feel like a very dark book at the moment.

    I buy lots of books that it takes me a while to read. I have to be in the right mood for them!

  3. I got about 2/3 into The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, but I couldn't bring myself to finish it. It's okay. Eleanor and Park is brilliant. It's a beautiful book, and it was actually the first book I reviewed on my blog ever, but that's besides the point. It's a wonderful story, that's realistic, and heartbreaking, and cute, and funny at the same time. Anna and the French Kiss is on my list as well, and To All The Boys I've Loved Before is on my TBR as well. Hmm. I'd never heard of Wild Card, but it sounds like an interesting book- just added it to my tbr.Thanks for stopping by my TTT :)
