
Friday, August 1, 2014

Bookish Talk: Buried Under ARCs, Summer TBR Pile, Technical Difficulties & What I'm Reading Now

Happy August, Minions! Now is the time to enjoy what's left of Summer, finish up the Summer tbr pile and prepare for the Fall book releases! If only it were that easy for me. I sit here, surrounded by wonderful books I've yet to read, buried under piles of unopened ARCs, staring at a Kindle full of unread digital ARCs, while beating myself up for not posting as many reviews as I want to. I need to get myself moving here! It doesn't help that my laptop is a goner and I'm working from a tablet now. I did get a bluetooth keyboard and mouse to attach to it, which helps A LOT, but it's still not the same. It now only takes twice as long to write up a post or review. Not to mention I have a crazy three-year-old running around, being a little monster.

Despite feeling a bit overwhelmed, I am determined to get back on track in August. 

I'm starting with the pile of ARCs, many of which I got at BEA (Book Expo America) over a month ago. 

My goal is to have these ARCs read this month, before their release dates approach (9/9 - 10-16). I think I can do this. Of course, I still have a few books left in my Summer tbr pile to read, not to mention all the new books coming out. See, this is how I get overwhelmed!

My new mantra:

I would also LOVE to get these eARCs read this month, too:

I am almost finished with these books (Just Like the Movies by Kelly Fiore and Forest of Whispers by Jennifer Murgia), so expect reviews soon:

How do you manage your tbr pile? Do you ever get overwhelmed by your books?

<3 Michelle


  1. I feel so overwhelmed I stay out of the home office where they all are. LOL I also feel guilty when I read a lot that I should be working out or being more productive on some personal goals, but in the end, it's my therapy, I enjoy it, and we need to enjoy life right! :)

    1. My books are like bunnies. They seem to keep multiplying at a very alarming rate. I'm excited about each and every one, too. In time I'll get to them all.

  2. Lately I just go with what's next on my goodreads lol.
