
Monday, June 15, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: FIFTEEN Books On My Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's Top Ten Top is "Ten Books On My Summer TBR". Well, I had a heck of a time choosing just ten books. I kept picking ten and switching them and picking more and not being satisfied. I did my best, but I ended up with fifteen. I tried. There are still a bunch of other books I have that I want to read plus books that I wasn't able to read in the Spring, not to mention the books that haven't even come out yet! I chose fifteen books I really want to have read by the end of the summer, though. I'm sure I'll read others and switch this list around at some point. I'm terrible at sticking to lists because sometimes I read books depending on my mood. Hopefully, there are books for every mood in this pile!

My Summer TBR (in no particular order):

Armada by Ernest Cline

Nowhere But Here by Katie McGarry

Tracked by Jenny Martin

The Gracekeepers by Kirsty Logan

The Eternal City by Paula Morris

The Stars Never Rise by Rachel Vincent

Sweet by Emmy Laybourne

The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey

by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski

Undertow by Micheal Buckley

Rebel Mechanics by Shanna Swendson

The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker

Angelfall by Susan Ee

Switched by Amanda Hocking

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

I've given myself lots of variety, hopefully I get these read this summer!

What's on your Summer TBR?

<3 Michelle


  1. So many good titles on this list. Expansive too. My List was not. Many of these I can vouch for.
    Happy Reading!
    ~Beth @ Perpetual New Girl

  2. I have ARCs of THE WITCH HUNTER and THE GIRL AT MIDNIGHT that I reaaally need to read. And ANGELFALL. Oh my gosh read that first!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  3. Fantastic list Michelle. If you manage to get through these I bet you'll have a fab summer of reading! Enjoy! My TTT

  4. I didn't enjoy Scarlet as much as everyone else but I really, really LOVED Cress. I've read mixed reviews on The Witch Hunter. I'm not really sure if I'll go around it myself but I hope you enjoy it though. Hope you'll enjoy your summer reads, Michelle! :)

    czai @ the Blacksheep Project

  5. Interesting choices there :) Hope you'll enjoy them all. Happy reading!

  6. Nice selection. I loved Angelfall and Switched. Hope you do too.

  7. I haven't actually read any of your picks but The Girl At Midnight, Scarlet and The Grace Keepers are all books that I really want to check out sometime soon. Happy reading!
    my TTT

  8. I'm dying to read Nowhere But Here but I think I'm going to wait until I get into more of a contemporary mood because I really want to enjoy it. I think I'm going to wait for many reviews of The Stars Never Rise before I purchase it. I've started two series by Rachel Vincent and ended up giving up on both of them, which I rarely do. Sweet and The Summer After You + Me sounds incredibly good so of course they're on my TBR. I thought I'm the only book blogger who hasn't read Angelfall and is interested in it, glad that is not true. :)
    Lovely list!
    Veronika @ My TTT

  9. Great list! I really want to read Armada by Ernest Cline as well, but unfortunately I don't I'll have the time for it this summer. There are several books I haven't heard of before, but I also want to read The Witch Hunter and Angelfall. I hope you have a wonderful day!
    Here's my TTT:

  10. OOooh very nice! I still need to read The Eternal City and The Stars Never Rise! LOVED Angefall and still need to read that last book there too! Girl at Midnight and Scarlet were also great reads! You're going to have an awesome summer for sure! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  11. This is a great list! Angelfall is really good. The Girl at Midnight was pretty good, but I heard it's similar to The Daughter of Smoke and Bone. So many of these are on my TBR list. I had to try so hard to keep my list at 10 books! lol

  12. Ooh so many gorgeous books! I do hope you enjoy Nowhere But Here - gotta love all the Katie McGarry xD And Girl at Midnight looks GORGEOUS.

  13. So many great books on your list and love the picture! I've read and enjoyed Girl at Midnight and The Stars Never Rise so I hope you do too! I didn't think Nowhere But Here was as good Pushing the Limits but that could just be personal choice. I'm hoping to read Witch Hunter soon.

    Happy Reading
    Rachel @

  14. I'm currently working on The Girl at Midnight and I'm loving it!

    Check out my TTT.

  15. Very nice photo of the books you hope to read this summer. Inspires me to try again with my shot.

  16. Love the book picture:) You got a lot of great books to read this summer! My Review of Finding Audrey

  17. The Girl at Midnight and The Witch Hunter are both on my list as well! I have actually already finished one of the books off of my list from today! :D

    Great post! Here's my Top Ten Tuesday!

  18. That's a wonderful list. It is quite hard to narrow it down to 10. I still need to get to Undertow and Witch Hunter, but they didn't even make my list. Oh well...too many books.

  19. The Girl at Midnight is fantastic, one of the best books I've read this year. Unfortunately I didn't get on well with Witch Hunter, but I'm very jealous of Rebel Mechanics, I'm desperate to read that one! Also, The Stars Never Rise is fantastic, everything that Rachel Vincent is well known for doing well in her novels. Fast paced, terrifying and with a wonderful unexpected romance. I hope you enjoy them all!

  20. Great list. You've got a lot of wonderful books to get to this summer. I hope you enjoy them all!!! :)

  21. You know... Sweet has been on my TBR forever, but I was reading the reviews and it just doesn't sound that great anymore. I think I need to wait for more reviews from my GR friends to make a decision. I hope you love all of these!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  22. Wow I love your list!! So many that I want to read as well!! Sweet, Nowhere But Here, The Summer After You and Me.... also I hope you read Scarlet (and Cress and Fairest). Great list, Happy Summer!!

  23. NIce list! I also want to read Witch Hunter.
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  24. The only one out of all your wonderful choices here that I've actually read is Scarlet but I highly recommend it! It wasn't my favorite of the series, but it was for most people so I know you'll love it :)
    The Stars Never Rise, Witch Hunter, Angelfall and The Girl at Midnight are all ones I need to get to as well. Good luck with all of the books on your Summer TBR shelf Michelle^^ x

  25. Yes! Scarlet! I loved that book and the entire series! The Witch Hunter sounds amazing as well! Happy Reading and good luck! :D
    Here's my TTT post for the week!

  26. I just finished Nowhere But Here yesterday and it's great! Katie McGarry writes great contemporaries. I've been told that I NEED to read The Girl at Midnight, so maybe I'll try to get to it this summer (or maybe later this year). Angelfall is a great read! I'm going to reread it soon and I'm excited to get back to the world. :)

    Happy reading!

  27. Awesome list! Nowhere But Here is SO good. I hope you enjoy it! :)

  28. SO pretty! ::pets pile of books through the screen...:: Seriously, this is an amazing TBR! I am so excited to read Nowhere But Here! Oooh and The Stars Never Rise, but I have to obtain that one first ;) I also want to read Undertow, and definitely Scarlet! Sweet was decent, but I did not love The Witch Hunter, I do hope you have better luck! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  29. Great list! I really want to read the Eternal City too - love that cover

  30. I think you'll really like Angelfall, I loved it! Also Scarlet is good too. They all sound really interesting! Hope you enjoy them and Happy Reading :)

    Erica @ Read It. Note It.
    My Top Ten List!
